this is my super heroes super evil twin brother that wishes he was his brother and thought there was only one super hero for the world so he becomes the evilest of the world.
this is my character is a super hero that have special powers which is electricity and comes from hunts point and enjoys doing what he do and fight for just and willing to take a bullet for anyone
if i can have super power i would choose the powers i would like to fly because i can fly to another state without paying one penny and so i don't have to walk or pay to take a train or bus.
This week end I went to the cemetary to say hi to my grandma.also i went to see my my aunt. and then my aunt drove us to my aunt's house. And I stood there for a hour and then i went to my other cousin's house and played some board games called candy land it was very very cool you have to play with cards and it was a fairy tale game